Sunday, May 26, 2019


Hello everyone,

For the last time I want to tell you another story about Sri Lanka and my trip there. This time the topic will be the tsunami from the year 2004. On our adventure through Sri lanka we went to the Yala National Park. The park is situated on the south east cost so it is directly at the ocean. In the morning on 26th of December 2004 there was an earthquake in the ocean near Indonesia but unfortunately this earthquake produced a huge wave which went through the ocean and hit every country and coast around. What really impressed us, was the history our guide told us: on the day of tsunami people who visited the park saw that all animals went away from the coast in direction to the inner country. It was really suspicious because animals that always hunt each other, went together nearly side by side away. People at that time didn't know what was going on or didn't realise what it meant. But as we know today, the animals back then felt that something horrible was happening and tried to escape. Unfortunately, the tsunami hit Sri Lanka and especially the Yala Park very bad and people who visited the park that day died and a lot of people around the Sri Lanka also. There are a lot of stories from that day and of course a lot of them are sad but there where also a few lucky stories. But the history of the animals from the Yala Park impressed me the most.

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