Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Spanish food

Hello everyone,

As I said last time, this post will be about Spanish and Andalusian food and drinks.

On my holidays I had an opportunity to try various snacks, meals and drinks. A very popular meal especially for the hot summer days is the Andalusian gazpacho - a cold soup made from vegetables like tomato cucumber and pepper. It´s very tasty and refreshing and a perfect snack or starter. Another good starter or bigger snack are patatas bravas. Backed potatoes with spices and topped with mayo in a hot sauce. You have to try it. :)

Of course as the typical Spanish Main meal, there is the paella. A meal made in a huge pan with rice and fish or meat and vegetables. There are many different paellas. The original paella comes from Valencia and is the paella valenciana it is made with rabbit meat.
In Spain, there is a little bit different tradition with lunch and dinner. Spanish people love to share food and eat together and they eat very late. So they meet in the evening to eat together many various meals and a lot of snacks called tapas (shrimps, octopus, squids- if you are a fan of seafood, you must go there!)

Spain is very famous for good wines especially red wine. But of course a lot of people also know Sangria as a typical Spanish drink. I can also recommend you tino de verano. It is similar to sangria because it is also based on red wine.

Moreover, beer is very famous in Spain and in Andalusia, there are two very big breweries. The first is San Miguel form Malaga and the second is Cruzcampo from Sevilla. Both are lager beers and perfect for an evening at a typical Spanish tapas bar.

This was the last part of my story about Andalusia and Spain but watch out for my next blogs and my stories about my next trips.


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