Saturday, December 8, 2018

Who wants to fall in love with Scotland?

Hi guys!

As I wrote you last time, my last trip was organised to Scotland. It was my first time there and I am pretty sure that it wasn't the last one. I totally fall in love with the Edinburgh's views.
If you also want to visit Scotland, you have an opportunity to book your flighs from Poznań (and they aren't so expensive). After landing in Edinburgh, will start your amazing adventure!
You should begin your journey from walking through very nostalgic streets. The most popular is Vicotria's street which is characterised by its historical appeal and independence shops. Then, I recommend you to go to Edinburgh Castle because the sight from there is just incredible. Unfotunatelly, I couldn't enter to see how does it look inside because tickets for that day were unavailables (it is better to buy them online).
My third "must be" place to see is Arthur's Seat. You have to spend some time climbing to the top of hill but it is worthy The views from Scottish highlands are unusual.
If you like adrenaline and thrill of emotion, you should take part in ghost and vampire tour. I am not so brave and I didn't dare to do it so I can't share with you that experience. :(
After all, don't forget to relax in some of the tipical Scottish pubs and drink whisky or gin. You should also try their sweets- fudges of many tastes.

Have I encouraged you to visit Edinburgh? I really hope so!

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful place, I've to write it on my place to go's list :D
