Sunday, November 25, 2018

Tourist or traveller?

Hello everyone!

This time I won't write about my another experience from trips. I would like you to make a question about difference between tourist and traveller. Have you ever considered which kind of people are you? Can you mention many distinction between travellers and tourists?

Some people can say that the biggest difference is the time which they spend on travelling. I heard many opinions that travellers need at least 3 months of visiting country. Another thing that I heard is that tourist prefers stay at expensive hotels and buy packed holidays. And for the other hand, travellers prefer to meet new people, spend time with them, explore the less-traveled areas and try local food.

But, can you agree with that?  Is that really the point? In my opinion, you can call yourself whatever you want. Travelling is not a competition that you have to win. It's just a thing that we do because we love it. It's not important if you visit one place per year or ten places per month. More important is the way you will do it- your own way.

Lot of greetings!

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